Steven Setiaputra Hermawan(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


PT Eka Prima Mandiri Sentosa Surabaya is one of the authorized workshops for new Honda
motorcycle or commonly referred to as AHASS (Astra Honda Authorised Service Station). The
sales volume of motorcycles during the initial 6 months of the acquisition of the company is still
varied, the lowest sales in April are as many as 192 units. Meanwhile, there is the highest sales
in September a number of 408 units. The number of visits service was not stable from April to
September 2016. Several consumer complaints about the workshop, among others: 1) part of the
workshop is still not running as well as it should, so it has not reached the expected quality and
productivity because they refused consumers who want to do service; 2) a consumer complaint
where a waiting period of service up to 2 hours or even more; 3) there are two mechanics and
one trusters only, so that the work becomes old; 4) there are many parts that run out and have to
buy the first time they change them. The final task was created with the aim to: 1) create SOP
workshop, so mechanics can improve productivity and quality of service to consumers where
they can wait for the light service without complaint + 10-15 minutes, while waiting 25-30
minutes for service with complaints and replacement of parts; 2) adjust the layout of the
workshop layout is effective and efficient; 3) create a proper queuing system in an effort to serve
all customers who come in, so as not to be disappointed and no denial of service again; 4)
explain the program after sales service that consumers are satisfied, and HR PT Eka Prima
Mandiri Sentosa understand this as a guide to performance. Based on the study of literature and
the process of apprenticeship by the author, is because there is no standard operational
procedure (SOP) for special workshops, and layout workshop not well ordered with the tracks,
the queuing system is chaotic, and consumers are less information about the program after sales
service offered workshops. To that end, the author offers some solutions: 1) design the flow of
SOP and quality guidelines workshop; 2) organize and reorganize the layout of the workshop; 3)
designing queuing systems workshop; 4) create post-sale service program.


standard operational procedure, the system of concept, workshop AHASS HONDA.

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