Aplikasi Rekomendasi Tempat Makan berdasarkan Lokasi (Location Based Service)

Stefanie Natasha Tjia(1*), Djoni Haryadi Setiabudi(2), Henry Novianus Palit(3),

(1) Program Studi Informatika
(2) Program Studi Informatika
(3) Program Studi Informatika
(*) Corresponding Author


The ease and affordability of transportation causes many people to
travel or travel to another area or city. Salty people will need
information about where to eat. From the quality and quantity, so
the application is needed to fulfill the information.
The application that will be created is to provide a recommendation
for Places to Eat based on the closest distance from the coordinates
detected by GPS from the user's mobile phone. In addition, this
application provides information about places to eat such as
menus, locations and also provides rating of eating and eating
places, which is useful to help users take a decision.
Based on the results of tests that have been done, the application
can read GPS and provide recommendations based on the closest
distance to the user. Users can provide detailed meal ratings and
dining places that are useful to help in making decisions in
choosing where to eat.


Application for Recommended Places to Eat;LBS;and Android Applications.

Full Text:



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