Sistem Informasi Logistik Bantuan Kemanusiaan untuk Bencana Alam di Jawa Timur dibawah Koordinasi Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Provinsi Jawa Timur di Surabaya

Vivi Harsono(1*), Djoni Haryadi Setiabudi(2), I Gede Agus Widyadana(3),

(1) Program Studi Teknik Informatika
(2) Program Studi Teknik Informatika
(3) Program Studi Teknik Industri
(*) Corresponding Author


In the process of logistics distribution for natural disasters, PMI faces several obstacles. obstacles in the face of the management of logistics information systems run manually or physically. Thus, the data entered is not actual and appropriate and spend more time. Therefore, in this paper made web that will help record every logistics process that happened.

Before starting the application development, analysis and design of the existing logistics system in PMI East Java province. The analysis and design stage generates the number of modeling used to create the application. This web uses HTML, PHP, JavaScript, AJAX and view using Bootstrap template. To get Latitude and Latitude feature using Google API.

The end result of the creation of this application is an application that includes features to record the necessary data in the logistics information system required by PMI East Java with features that tend to work for PMI-administrations, donors, and supermarkets because it is difficult for volunteer to open or bring electronic devices.


PMI, logistic support, natural disasters, web applications, disaster management

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