Aplikasi Penjualan Kain Kursi Berbasis Mobile

Valerie Varnette Ludong(1*), Djoni H Setiabudi(2),

(1) Program Studi Teknik Informatika
(2) Program Studi Teknik Informatika
(*) Corresponding Author


The problem which is raised by the traditional shops of furniture fabric was how the process of customer choosing a kind of fabric they want was holding back the selling process for other customers. In this research this problem will be solved by creating an android application which will help a customer to choose a kind of fabric that will suits their tastes.
Process of develop the application is started by analyzing how traditional shops’ system work to sell these fabrics and by that we can develop a system that will help the application to be a better tool for helping the customers. There are two modules, the website for administrator and shop owners and the mobile application for customers. The website built using Notepad++ software and the mobile application is developed using Android Studio.
The website and mobile application can work, ready to help a customer to choose a product faster. The communication process between two-ends also functions properly.


Furniture fabric, selling, mobile e-commerce, android

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