Aplikasi Virtual Tour 3D Pabrik PT. X

Willy Nugraha Utomo(1*), Liliana - -(2), Kartika - Gunadi(3),

(1) Program Studi Teknik Informatika
(2) Program Studi Teknik Informatika
(3) Program Studi Teknik Informatika
(*) Corresponding Author


Company X is a reputable company that has more than 1000
people employees. One of the routines that performed by
company X is orientation for new employees, and there is an
event that invites them to visit the factory. The location of the
main office and the factory is far, so this activity lacks time
efficiency. This application aims to facilitate company X in
conducting new employee orientation so that the location can
be seen in the virtual world.
The first thing in the process of making the application is
visiting the factory to determine the shape and position of the
object, so that the expected results are shown to resemble its
original condition. 3d object and its texture are created using
Blender application that can be imported into the made
application. Collision feature aims to prevent users from
penetrating the objects.
The position, shape and location of objects contained in the
application already resemble the original plant site. The main
obstacle in making this application is the creation time, so the
detailed map of the plant cannot be completed. The main
building, the production building and the warehouse have been
made, only small objects contained in the main building have
not been contained.


objek 3d, collision, WebGL

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