Perbaikan Proses Produksi untuk Peningkatan Kualitas pada PR. X

Calvin Christianto Halim(1*), Indiati Njoto Bisono(2), Benedictus Rahardjo(3),

(1) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University, Indonesia
(2) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University, Indonesia
(3) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research is to make an improvement for company’s production process so that the consumer can get the best quality from the product. The improvement has purposed to fix production process because writer found some problems from the company, the problems are that the  humidity of the cigarette still not in the best standar yet and the second problem is some of the tobacco filling inside the cigarette still not in the best standard. Writer will do the experiment, the purpose of the experiment is to get a new standard that can implemented at the company’s production process. The output from the experiment is a combination of formula from the factors that affect the responses. Next, writer do the improvement for QC departmen. The purpose is to fix the cigarettes that have not fill in the right amount of tobaco can get well sorted and improve the worker’s efficiency. The method that writter’s choose is using the sensitive measurement equipment with amount of sampling 40 cigarettes.


process improvement; design experiment; quality


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