Usulan Pengendalian Persediaan Produk Kosmetik di Toko Rahayu

Stefani Amelita(1*),

(1) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Toko Rahayu is a small business engaged in the field of beauty products. The problem at Toko Rahayu is overstocking products,  causing the products to accumulate in the warehouse. There are so many product stocked that a product with an expiration date in 2019 can be found. Product categorization based on ABC classification show that the total income for Class A is Rp,00 (80,43%), Class B is Rp 232.822.250,00 (9%) and Class C is Rp 275.119.640,00 (10,57%). Proposed inventory control is carried out using the periodic review method and continuous review method, as well as the policies established by the store. Simulations that have been carried out for 10 brands from July – September show that the implementation of the periodic review method has the least inventory costs. This is indicated by the comparison of inventory costs between the proposed method and the method used by the store. The proposed method results in an inventory cost savings of Rp 378.774,84 for three months (July - September 2019) which is a cost savings of 6,54% compared to the initial inventory costs.


Stock; Periodic Review Method; Continuous Review Method; ABC Classification

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