Perbaikan Sistem Manajemen Pergudangan Rak Barang Jadi Pada PT. Hapete

Andri Nokas(1*),

(1) Industrial Engineering, Petra Christian University, Surabaya
(*) Corresponding Author


PT. Hapete is a yarn manufacturing company which has raw and finished goods warehouse. The number of goods produced are more than 100 types of yarn. The scope of this research is warehouse of finished goods. The warehouse does not have a good warehouse management system in goods placement. The goods weren’t group in the same rack and placed on the operator way. There are 3 focus of the improvement like receiving, arrangement, and search for goods. Key indicator of success are verifying the effectiveness of work (qualitative) and work efficiency (quantitative). Work effectiveness is carried out by conducting interviews with operators who doing goods arrangement on the shelf. This interview was conducted to show that the implementation of the idea had been carried out by the operator well. Work efficiency is done by reviewing the search time of goods and the time spent on goods. The result shows the time efficiency in carrying out the longest item search has changed from 661 seconds to 57.35 seconds and the longest item expenditure has changed from 686 seconds to 294.57 seconds


Goods Arrangement, Receiving Goods; Search for Goods; Effectiveness; Efficiency

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