Perancangan Analisis Risiko Bidang Administratif Departemen Impor Key Account Management PT. X

Stefani Gisella Wiratama Tong(1*), Karina Agustin(2),

(1) Industrial Engineering, Petra Christian University, Surabaya
(2) Industrial Engineering, Petra Christian University, Surabaya
(*) Corresponding Author


Key Account Management is one of the departments owned by PT. X, which
serves as a customs broker specifically to handle VIP Customers. This research was
carried out to assist the KAM department in finding activities that could potentially
hamper the smooth operation of the administrative import process, which could have an
impact on reducing VIP Customer satisfaction. Risk analysis was carried out on all import
processes starting from the PO Management, Import and the operational team, to the
Filing division. Risk analysis is carried out using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
(FMEA) method, and the 5 whys analysis method to find the root cause of failure of the
risk findings. The results of the risk analysis show there are 64 risk findings from the
entire administrative process of import. 33 risk findings in between, with a total of 25
process activities, classified as priority categories and must be immediately followed up.
Over all, the recommended actions for risk analysis’ result are making dashboards for
monitoring shipments, training/workshops, evaluating work results, and making
standardized documents such as procedures, work instructions, and way references.


import; risk analysis; FMEA; 5 whys analysis

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