Penentuan Stok Optimal dan Peletakan Bahan Baku Kemas Tube di Gudang PT.X

Felita Johanna(1*), I Gede Agus Widyadana(2), Tanti Octavia(3),

(1) Industrial Engineering, Petra Christian University, Surabaya
(2) Industrial Engineering, Petra Christian University, Surabaya
(3) Industrial Engineering, Petra Christian University, Surabaya
(*) Corresponding Author


PT. X is a manufacturing company that manufactures dermatological products. Inventory of raw materials becomes an important factor in production activities. This research focuses on the inventory and arrangement of  tube materials in the warehouse. The company is currently purchasing goods by estimating demand from past data and ROP. Determination of ROP and EOQ is done by using a simulation method. The results of simulation of raw material inventory show the total cost of proposed inventory and the percentage of shortage is better. The initial total cost of inventory is Rp3,616,786,638 and the proposed condition is Rp1,736,032,454. The inventory simulation results will be used to make for raw material arrangement layout proposal. The arragement proposal for tube materials is done by sorting fast moving products and slow moving products. Fast moving products are arranged with a dedicated storage policy, while for slow moving products are arranged with class based storage policy. The order of placement of each type of tube is based on the highest number of stocks. The arrangement proposal is better than the initial conditions based on warehouse utility and moments. The average warehouse utility increased by 1.82% and there was a reduction in the initial layout moment by 64.55%.


ROP; EOQ; inventory; warehouse layout

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