Perbaikan dan Pengembangan pada CPO New System Untuk Menghilangkan Delay Proses dan System Error pada Kegiatan Ekspor Komponen PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia

Daniel Pratama(1*), Jani Rahardjo(2),

(1) Industrial Engineering, Petra Christian University, Surabaya
(2) Industrial Engineering, Petra Christian University, Surabaya
(*) Corresponding Author


PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (PT TMMIN) is the largest manufacturing company in the automotive sector in Indonesia. PT TMMIN as an exporter has exported 3 types of products, that is cars, engines and car components, and spare parts with Toyota brand. One of PT TMMIN's export activities is Component Part Order (CPO). PT TMMIN has developed and created a new system called CPO New System which functions as a tool to facilitate the process of handling CPO orders. The process of making CPO New System is divided into 2 stages. The first stage has been developed and has been implemented. The second stage of making this system cannot be done yet. The development of this system is hampered due to the delay in the process of handling CPO so that repairs need to be done. The provided solution is to create a user friendly dashboard and make an Excel Macro to shorten operator work time. The expected results from the implementation of this improvement are that the CPO handling process runs smoothly and there is no delay in the process. Another benefit obtained by PT TMMIN is a decrease in working time by 46,2 hours per month so that worker productivity can increases.


dashboard; process delay; productivity

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