Perbaikan Prosedur Kerja Departemen PPIC pada PT X

Alvin Alvin(1*),

(1) Industrial Engineering, Petra Christian University, Surabaya
(*) Corresponding Author


This design aims to improve the PPIC department's work procedures (SOP) at PT X so that it will produce a draft of the PPIC department's Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Existing SOPs need improvement and simplification. The improvement and simplification of this SOP is done because the current SOPs still do not cover the optimal use of SAP software. The stages of improving work procedures are carried out by taking data in the form of studying the current SOP, observing the work activities of PPIC department staff at PT X, and interviews and discussions with PPIC department manager at PT X. Next is processing data in the form of tables and analysis of existing SOPs. Next is the making of an SOP improvement plan, making work instructions to support the SOP improvement plan, and preparing supporting data for the use of SAP software. The final result in this design is to produce a design to improve the PPIC department's standard operating procedure at PT X, the supporting work instructions for the SOP that have been made, and the presentation of supporting data to run the procedure with the help of SAP software.


standard operation procedure; PPIC; improvement

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