Analisis Perbandingan Solusi Penambahan Gudang Produk Jadi pada PT. X

Kurniawan Dian Permana(1*), Felecia Felecia(2),

(1) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University
(2) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University
(*) Corresponding Author


PT. X is a one of feed mill industry in East Java. In 2017 they experienced lost sales due to increase in demand and low finish good stocks in the warehouse. This year PT. X wants to increase their finish good warehouse capacity to anticipate 2018 demand. There is two alternative solution, the first one is to use some of the current raw material warehouses in the company and re-function it to finish product. The second alternative is to rent warehouse outside the company. Both alternatives will be technically analyzed to give the good solution.

Each alternative is compared based on financial, security, accessibility and material handling aspect. It is found that first alternative, use some of the current raw material warehouses in the company and re-function it for finish good, is better than the second alternative. From the financial aspect, the first alternative gives YY higher cost, but from other aspects, it gives a better result. PT. X also consider the value of finish product turn over which is ZZ higher than raw material value. Therefore the first alternative is chosen.


technical aspect; warehousing

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