Analisa Pelayanan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di PT XYZ

Nathaniel Kurniawan Soedarso(1*), Jani Rahardjo(2),

(1) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia
(2) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


PT. XYZ is a multinational company that has more than 7000 employees working therein. PT. XYZ would like to know how the perception of employees about health and safety. Research conducted in order to find out how the perception of employees of PT. XYZ about safety and health work carried out by the method of Service Quality. SERVQUAL method which is used to adapt a theory advanced by Parasuraman. Research conducted by questionnaire distributed to employees of the company using likert’s questionnaire. Likert’s questionnaire scale has 1 to 4 to determine the perception of employees of the company. The gap analysis is done using the type gap number 3 where the gaps are compared is the perception and specification. This theory analyzes the value gap between specifications provided the company with the perception of the employee. Research conducted showed that in every dimension of the SERVQUAL, the perception of employees of PT. XYZ shows that the perception of employees of PT. XYZ is in compliance with the specification, however further analysis explains there are some points that show things that should be fixed. The points relating to the lack of training, lack of employees against K3 providing Personal protection to the employees, the lack of socialization about Hazardous waste treatment to employees, and less medical services according to your needs. This research resulted in a training matrix will be used to improve things. This training contains a matrix training-training that is planned for next year.


Service quality; Gap analysis; Training matrix.

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