Improvement Proses Screwing pada Lini Kaleng Kopi di PT Sinar Djaja Can

Billy Sutjiono(1*), I Nyoman Sutapa(2),

(1) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia
(2) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


PT Sinar Djaja Can is a manufacturing company which produces cans with 2 cate­g­o­r­i­es­, food and general can. There are 3 kinds of demand on general can, one of them is coffee can tha­t will be discussed in this study. The company request a balance line design in coffee can pro­d­u­c­tion. The design to analyzes production line through a line balancing method. The method is us­e­d for balancing line production, in addition to increase production output and maximalize pro­d­u­c­tion line efficiency. Line balancing method is done by maximizing company efficiency. The de­sign improvement may increase product output and also company efficiency. Production ou­t­p­u­t is increased to 4214 products per shift from 1598 products per shift, line efficiency is increased b­y 17,15% from 59,25%, while company efficiency is increased by 236,87% from 76,51% without ad­­d­i­ng new operator


Line balancing; production output; line efficiency; company efficiency

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