Perbaikan Proses Leak Test di PT XYZ dengan Eliminasi Waste

Gerry Christian Anggawinata(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


PT XYZ is a manufacturer and produce a heat excahanger. The production process at PT XYZ takes over two production area that is creating component production and line production. The problems that happened PT XYZ is in the area of line production is about the many operator activities that not effective or as a category waste. Waste that happaned on the line production is waste transportation and waiting. An improvement that can be done to remove both waste is by using those method design facility layout and work time measurement. The facility layout design method used to decrease the movement of goods from 258 meters to 180 meters, decrease also happened to the cost of the materials handling from Rp 63,936 to Rp 41,688.


Waste transportation and waiting; Facility layout design; Cost material handling

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