Nico Adisaputra Wiyono(1*), Prayonne Adi(2),

(1) Petra Christian University
(2) Petra Christian University
(*) Corresponding Author


Project Material Planning is a project that regulates the priority of material production to help increase the production capacity of PT.X. PT. X can increase production and reduce losstime shortage material by using digital dashboard material (DMD), in addition to the existing data quality can be improved to facilitate data processing for improvement by management. The data contained in the DMD is a combination of data from PPC, engginering and Production Departments containing spec item, stock of goods, capacity of material production machine. This final project aims to increase the production of PT. X and improve the quality of data on the production floor. DMD uses the concept of single source in order to more easily do control and data used the same for each department.


Material planning, production capacity, losstime, system integration, data accuracy, data quality, PPC

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