Evaluasi Kemampuan Inspeksi Pekerja dan Penurunan Produk Cacat di Area Injection Molding PT. X

Aviator Kevin Budiono(1*),

(1) Petra Christian University
(*) Corresponding Author


The main problems at injection molding department of PT. X is the large number of ­defe­c­­tive products (4941.781 units), that is caused by human factor and measurement error. This ­re­search aims to evaluate the worker’s ability in conducting inspection with Measurement System­ Analysis (MSA) and to decrease the number of defectives product by using fishbone ­diagram. The results of MSA for attribute data show that 55.2% of workers cannot conduct ­product inspection for scratch and blackspot defect, so retraining is needed. The result of MSA ­for ­variable data show that repeatability for outer diameter is 84.97% and for total height is ­56.33%. The reproducibility for outer diameter is 15.03% and for the total height is 43.49%. The lar­ge percentage of repeatability indicates the high variation in a worker’s measurement, so the measurement instrument needs to be calibrated. The large percentage of reproducibility indi­cates the high variation in the measurement between workers, so retraining is needed to equa­lize the understanding standard of workers. Several suggestions as effort to decrease scratch, FOP, and black spot are gloves audit, providing fibrous fabrics at the basket and conveyor, providing incline to reduce the impact, providing stacking racks to avoid overlapping, and provi­ding kassa wire to the air vents.


Measurement System Analysis; Fishbone Diagram; Repeatability; Reproducibility

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