Deviana Gunawan(1*), Monika Candra Setiawan(2),

(*) Corresponding Author



Kebutuhan konsumen semakin beraneka ragam dimana sebagai pelaku bisnis dituntut harus bisa mengikuti perkembangan dari kebutuhan konsumen, terutama dalam industri perhotelan di Indonesia yang sedang mengalami perkembangan pesat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil segmen pasar terkait atribut hotel di Surabaya berdasarkan variabel gaya hidup (lifestyle) dan kepribadian (personality). Survei terhadap 357 responden dilakukan dan data primer yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik statistic analisa eksploratori faktor dan klaster. Hasil penelitian menemukan 4 klaster tipe tamu yang menginap di hotel di Indonesia yaitu: the explorer, the thinker, full of consideration, the materialistic. Dari keempat klaster yang ditemukan, mayoritas konsumen hotel di Surabaya adalah kluster the explorer.

Kata kunci : Segmentasi, Analisa Klaster, Atribut Hotel


In today's business world, consumer needs are increasingly diverse and a businessperson must be able to keep updated with the needs of consumers, especially in the hospitality industry in Indonesia which is undergoing rapid development. This research aimed to find out the profile of market segment related to hotel attributes in Surabaya based on lifestyle and personality variable. A survey of 357 respondents was conducted and the primary data collected was analyzed using factor analysis and cluster analysis. The results revealed 4 different clusters: the explorer, the thinker, full of consideration, the materialistic. Of the four clusters found, turn out that the majority of consumers of hotel in Surabaya is fall into the explorer clusters.

Keywords : Segmentation, Cluster Analysis, Hotel Attribute

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