Dian Kristiani Simatupang(1*), Ellin Marcella Sugiarto(2), Deborah Christine Widjaja(3),

(*) Corresponding Author



Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa pengaruh Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Turnover Intention (Keinginan untuk berpindah) Job Hopper di Industri Perhotelan di Indonesia dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif melalui penyebaran kuisioner sebanyak 118. Penelitian ini menganalisa tujuh factor yang mempengaruhi turnover intention job hopper yaitu training and development, kompensasi, promosi, reward and recognition, budaya organisasi, lingkungan kerja dan work family conflict. Hasilnya hanya variabel kompensasi dan work family conflict yang mempengaruhi signifikan terhada turnover intention job hopper di industry perhotelan di Indonesia.

Kata kunci:

Training, kompensasi, promosi, reward and recognition, budaya organisasi, lingkungan kerja, work family conflict, turnover intention



The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors of turnover intention job hopper in Indonesia by using a quantitave method and distributing 118 questionnaires. This research analyzing seven factor that are: Training development, compensation, reward and recognition, promotion, organizational culture, working environment, work family conflict. The results show that only compensation and work family conflict have positive and significant influences as a job hoppers consideration to switching another job. Keywords :

Training, compensation, promotion, reward and recognition, organizational culture, working environment , work family conflict, turnover intention.

Full Text:




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