Abraham Krishna Marthadinata Osiyo(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Abstrak-Meningkatnya kesadaran konsumen akan berbagai masalah lingkungan, juga turut mempengaruhi aktifitas perusahaan yang berfokus kepada isu lingkungan. Green marketing merupakan sebuah evolusi pemasaran yang muncul akibat tumbuhnya kesadaran masyarakat akan produk yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Starbucks, salah satu perusahaan yang menerapkan konsep green marketing.Jenis penelitian ini adalahhypothesis testing. Sumber data penelitian ini didapatkan dari kuisioner yang disebarkan kepada 100 responden. Penelitian ini membuktikan adanya pengaruh positif Green Marketing pada Green Brand Image Starbucks dan Purchase Intention pelanggan Starbucks Coffee Malang.



Abstract-Increased consumer awareness of various environmental issues, also affects the activities of companies that focus on environmental issues. Green marketing is a marketing evolution arising from the growing public awareness of  environmentally friendly products. Starbucks, is one of the companies that apply the concept of green marketing. This type of research is hypothesis testing. Sources of this research data obtained from questionnaires distributed to 100 respondents. This study proves the positives influence of Green Marketing on Green Brand Image Starbucks and Purchase Intention consumer Starbucks Coffee Malang.


Green Brand Image, Green Marketing, Hypothesis Testing, Purchase Intention

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