Robby Ardiyansyah(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Indonesia has a tremendous natural wealth and fertile land. The food produced by farmers, ranchers and fishermen is abundant. Especially East Java province which is famous as a center for the production of a number of national food commodities. Products of the farmers of this Province attracted many buyers, both wholesalers, modern retail, and industrial processing. Unfortunately, the long chain of distribution make agro commodity prices soar, while at the farm level is precisely the price is very low. As the main market of foodstuffs, Puspa Agro should have a competitive advantage to be able to survive with the application of a good marketing mix in order to attract consumers to buy.

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotions) have an effect on consumer buying interest in Puspa Agro. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents to the calculation method of the analysis of SPSS or PASW (Predictive Analytics Software).


Marketing mix, product, price, place, promotion, Purchase Intention

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