Implementasi Konsep “Reborn: Experiencing Traditional Beliefs of Indonesian Archipelago” pada Interior Museum Aliran Kepercayaan di Yogyakarta

Abisag Elladora Hadiasali(1*), Ronald Hasudungan Irianto Sitinjak(2), Linggajaya Suryanata(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


Indonesia is a multi-religious country and various traditional beliefs that should be known by people as nation’s cultural richness, so that people could react and behave  wiser in the society. Interior Design of Traditional Beliefs Museum in Yogyakarta offers an educational facility in the form of a museum that will help the people of Indonesia know more about the traditional beliefs of Indonesia. The design method used is the adoption of the design thinking scheme according to Jeroen de Groot namely Discover, Describe, Ideate and Prototype. Those design methods are the steps taken to find the right design solution through a design concept. The design concept chosen using the theory of cultural approach by Koentjaraningrat includes mentifact, sociofact, and artifact. These three aspects of cultural manifestation are translated and reprocessed to find a good design concept which is, "Reborn: Experiencing Traditional Beliefs of Indonesian Archipelago".The innovation in this concept applied in the form of new experiences offered in the depiction of the atmosphere in each zone of exhibition area that utilizes the five senses of human, namely sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Through the innovation of the five human senses is people expected to receive the knowledge about the traditional beliefs presented in the museum clearly and effectively.


Interior, Museum, Traditional Beliefs

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