Pengaruh Trust dan Commitment terhadap Firm Performance melalui Collaboration

Abraham Klaran(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Dalam tesis ini akan dibahas mengenai pengaruh supplier relationship dan collaboration dalam meningkatkan buyer’s firm performance dalam industri pengolahan hasil alam khususnya bidang perikanan di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh supplier relationship dan collaboration dalam mempengaruhi firm performance dari pihak buyer. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah collaboration berpengaruh signifikan dan secara langsung terhadap frm performance. Collaboration sendiri terbentuk dari relationship yang diciptakan sebelumnya yaitu berupa trust dan commitment. Yang menarik adalah dalam dunia industri perikanan, supplier industri perikanan sanga bergantung kepada kondisi alam sehingga dalam hal commitment dan cllaboration kurang dapat berjalan dengan baik. Berbeda dengan industri di bidang manufaktur dan lainnya dimana supplier dapat mengontrol bahan baku untuk industri tersebut tanpa adanya ketergantungan dengan alam. Yang menarik lainnya yaitu industri perikanan masih dapat memiliki performance yang baik dalam melakukan kegiatan industri tersebut.



Kata Kunci: Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Relationship, Collaboration, Industri Perikanan, Firm Performance


In this thesis will discuss the effect of supplier relationship and collaboration in enhancing the buyer's firm performance in industrial processing of natural products, especially the field of fisheries in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of supplier relationship and collaboration in influencing firm performance from the buyer. The results of this study are significant collaboration and direct influence on the performance frm. Collaboration itself is formed of a relationship that was created previously in the form of trust and commitment. What is interesting is the fishing industry, the fishing industry suppliers rely heavily on natural conditions so that in terms of commitment and collaboration are less able to run well. In contrast to the industry in manufacturing and the other in which the supplier can control the raw material for the industry without dependence with nature. Other interesting that the fishing industry can still have a good performance in the industrial activities.


Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Relationship, Collaboration, Fisheries Industry, Firm Performance

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