Pengaruh Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan : Philanthropy, Community Involvement, Social Innovation Terhadap Employee Engagement dan Employee Performance Pada Persuahaan Perbankan di Surabaya

Selvi Mayasari(1*), Thomas Kaihatu(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Penerapan program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) khususnya yang menyentuh langsung kepada masyarakat, selain memberikan manfaat kepada sesama, juga meningkatkan reputasi perusahaan. Reputasi perusahaan yang baik menimbulkan employee engagement dan akhirnya berdampak pada employee performance. Penelitian dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan philanthropy, community involvement, dan social innovation terhadap employee engagement dan employee performance. Sebanyak 70 responden berpartisipasi pada penelitian ini. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil yang didapat adalah philanthropy, community involvement dan social Innovation memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap employee engagement, dan selanjutnya berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap employee performance. Philanthropy, community involvement dan social Innovation memiliki pengaruh tidak langsung terhadap employee performance. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa employee engagement merupakan variabel intervening yang menghubungkan philantrophy, community involvement, social innovation terhadap employee performance.


Kata Kunci : CSR , Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan , Employee Engagement , Employee Performance


Corporate social responsibility ( Corporate Social Responsibility ) is an integral part in the management of a company . Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) in particular that touches directly to the public , in addition to providing benefits to others , of course, is also expected to increase the added value of the company and established a good reputation in the eyes of their internal stakeholders ie employees and also in the eyes of society . Reputation as a good company is what will the eyes of employees can lead to employee engagement and ultimately have an impact on employee performance . This study was conducted to see the effect of corporate social responsibility, philanthropy , community involvement , and social innovation on employee engagement and employee performance . A total of 70 respondents participated in this study . Data analysis techniques in this study using the Partial Least Square ( PLS ) . The results obtained in this study is variable philanthropy , community involvement and social Innovation has a positive and significant influence on employee engagement , employee engagement variables have a positive influence and significant influence on employee performance , and variable philanthropy , community involvement and social Innovation has indirect effect on employee performance . However, the results showed that employee engagement is an intervening variable that connects philanthropy , community involvement , social innovation and employee performance.

Keywords : CSR , Corporate Social Responsibility , Employee Engagement , Employee Performance

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